Event Log Explorer Viewer
 user guide
  • 18. Command Line Options

18. Command Line Options

Event Log Explorer allows you to open event logs from the command line:
ELEX.EXE Workspace
ELEX.EXE [/CLEAN] [/OPENLOG lognames] [/OPENFILE filenames] [/SETFILTER filtername] [/RUNSCRIPT|/RUNSCRIPTCONSOLE scriptname [script_parameters] ]
Workspace - workspace to open with Event Log Explorer
/CLEAN - do not restore saved event log windows
/OPENLOG - open event logs lognames
/OPENFILE - open event log files filenames
/SETFILTER - applies a saved filter to the event logs. The filter will be applied to event logs listed before this option. You can set only one filter.
/RUNSCRIPT - start script scriptname, the script may access script_parameters
/RUNSCRIPTCONSOLE - start script scriptname and display scripting console, the script may access script_parameters
/RUNSCRIPT and /RUNSCRIPTCONSOLE are available in Forensic and Enterprise editions.
elex.exe C:\Data\MyLogs.elx  - opens MyLogs.elx workspace
elex.exe /clean /openlog system \\server\security  - opens 2 log files in a new workspace system from the local machine and \\server\security
elex.exe /openlog system application security  - opens 3 local logs: system, application and security
elex.exe /openfile C:\backup\system.evtx "C:\app backup.evtx" \\server\c$\eventlogs\sysback.evtx - opens 3 event log files
elex.exe /openlog system application /setfilter filter1.elc /openlog security  - opens 3 local logs: system, application and security and applies filter1 to system and application
elex.exe /openlog server\security server\system /openfile C:\backup\system.evtx /clean  - opens 1 event log and one event log file
elex.exe /runscript myscript.pas MSSQLSERVER Administrator  - starts script myscript.pas and passes parameters into the script.