Event Log Explorer Viewer
 user guide

7.1. Tasks

Technically, a task specifies an XML query to get events and a list of computers the events will be collected from. It also defines list of columns to displays, sorting order etc. Tasks are stored in the workspaces and can be saved as files. Event Log Explorer Enterprise Edition lets you schedule export of task events into different formats (PDF, Excel, HTML, Text).
To create a task, use Tree->Create Task command. The task wizard will appear.
Use Next and Back buttons to specify task parameters:
General page defines base task parameters: name, description, type of the task (event log or log file task), and the location of the task in the tree.
Computers page (available for event log tasks) defines the list of computers from from which you will get the events. If the list is empty, the local computer will be implied.
Logs page (available for event log tasks) defines the list of event logs from which you will get the events.
Log files page (available for event log file tasks) defines the list of evtx files from which you will get the events. You can add a folder to the list as well - in this case, Event Log Explorer will add all evtx files from this folder.
Filter page defines XML query. You can use UI to build query or just type the query manually.
Columns page defines the list of columns to display. You can also add custom columns to the list.
Start page lets you start the task when you click Finish button. It also suggests how to schedule the task to export events.