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Event Log Explorer

boost event log research productivity


  • Filters events by any criteria
  • Exports to Excel and other formats
  • Retrieves detailed information
  • Works with disk images
  • Takes snapshot of events
  • Reads damaged event log files
  • Monitors and notifies about events
  • Stores events in an enterprise DB
  • Automates labor intensive tasks

Event Log Explorer for Windows event log analysis

Event Log Explorer is an effective software solution for viewing, analyzing and monitoring events recorded in Microsoft Windows event logs. Event Log Explorer greatly simplifies and speeds up the analysis of event logs (security, application, system, setup, directory service, DNS and others).

Event Log Explorer extends the standard Windows Event Viewer functionality and brings many new features. Users who tried Event Log Explorer see it as a superior solution to Windows Event Viewer helping to boost their productivity twice.


Instant access to event logs

Event Log Explorer is compatible with any Windows event logs, whether they are on a local system or in the network. It can handle both “live” event logs and saved log files in EVT or EVTX format. It has the ability to read event log files directly (without Windows Event Log API) to access damaged log files.

Event Log Explorer lists computers, event logs, log files and other objects in the object tree. You can open or manage any event log in the tree with just a click.

Efficient filtering

Efficient filtering options allow you to refine events at various stages of loading (before-load, on-load and after-load) and set filter criteria using nearly any condition.

The intuitive user interface makes it simple to create complex filters and organize them into a filter library.

Event log consolidation

If you’ve ever attempted to consolidate events from various networked machines in Windows Event Viewer, you’ll immediately appreciate the user-friendly and efficient features of Event Log Explorer. With just a few clicks, you can effortlessly create a consolidated view of different event logs. Additionally, you have the ability to set an on-load filter to focus solely on essential events.

Export events and report generation

Event Log Explorer offers comprehensive export and printing capabilities for events. You can export individual event logs, consolidated and filtered event log views, or even separate events into various formats such as Microsoft Excel, CSV, HTML, and more. The report generator feature allows you to print events with different layouts and create detailed analytical reports. A dedicated utility within Event Log Explorer allows you to conveniently schedule the automatic export of event logs.

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