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Version history

Event Log Explorer is a customer-driven software. Most of the advanced features were suggested by our users. With these features Event Log Explorer makes a step from ordinary event data viewing to its real analysis.

5.5.2 (2024-Jul-5)

  • Added

    an option to limit a number of displayed records.

  • Improved

    performance of description rendering for some events.

  • Fixed

    a bug with rendering descriptions when it contains some special symbols.

  • Fixed

    a UI bug when displaying Color Coding dialog.

  • Fixed

    minor bugs.

  • Scripts

  • Added

    new UI classes.

  • Fixed

    Some functions stopped work in version 5.5.0. Now working.

5.5.0 (2024-Feb-15)

  • Added

    an option "Treat value as" for the custom columns. Custom columns are now typed (Text, Integer, Float, Date).

  • Added

    an option to make the filter case sensitive.

  • Added

    an option not to save the workspace when quit.

  • Added

    "Go to date" command.

  • New

    analytical report (Custom Column 1 advanced stats).

  • New

    task template (New external device detected).

  • Improved

    a task template (Audit printer usage).

  • Fixed

    a bug with removing a task from the tree.

  • Fixed

    minor bugs.

  • Forensic and Enterprise editions

  • Added

    an option to calculate custom columns using a "formula" (script).

  • Scripts

  • Added

    a global object SGlobals to store data

  • Added

    new functions

5.4.0 (2023-Sep-26)

  • Added

    backward search option.

  • New

    analytical report (Types and Categories).

  • New

    task templates.

  • Improved


  • Fixed

    a bug with incorrect description rendering for some rare events.

  • Fixed

    Description box refresh after sorting.

  • Fixed

    a bug with incorrect time format for some locales.

  • Fixed

    minor bugs.

  • Enterprise edition

  • Improvement

    SMTP protocol now works only over TLS 1.2 (support of 1.0 and 1.1 stopped for security reasons).

  • Fixed

    Event Log Explorer viewer could block events table and cause events to be lost from Elodea collector.

  • Forensic and Enterprise editions

  • Improvement

    Maximum number of custom columns increased up to 30.

5.3.0 (2022-Dec-14)

  • Added

    a custom column helper that simplifies custom column creations.

  • Added

    support of legacy (v. 4.x) custom columns in format Level\sublevel.

  • New

    command line option to set the filter (/SETFILTER).

  • Improved


  • Fixed

    several bugs.

  • Forensic edition

  • Improvement

    You can refresh Imaged computer in the tree - no need to remove/add a new imaged computer anymore.

  • Forensic and Enterprise editions

  • Added

    an option to set the maximum custom columns number.

5.2.0 (2022-Sep-14)

  • Added

    import computers from Active Directory (via LDAP).

  • New

    Time correction now works with DST.

  • Added

    system time zones for time correction.

  • Improved

    browse for computers.

  • Improvement

    Multiple delete from the tree.

  • Fixed

    Filter by custom fields didn't work in some cases.

  • Fixed

    and improved import of computers list.

  • Fixed

    several minor bugs.

  • Enterprise edition

  • Improvements

    in Elodea settings.

  • Scripts

  • Added

    new functions.

5.1.5 (2022-Jul-20)

  • Returned

    filter by description parameters.

  • Added

    a new function in scripting.

  • Improvement

    Objects tree now displays events number in subfolders.

  • Fixed

    several minor bugs.

  • Enterprise edition

  • Fixed

    Unquoted Service Path vulnerability for Elodea service.

5.1 (2022-Jun-21)

  • Forensic edition - New!

  • Added

    working with imaged disks.

  • Added

    forensic opening.

  • Added

    searching for removed events feature.

  • Added

    deep scan feature.

  • Added

    snapshot features.

  • Added


  • Enterprise edition

  • Added


  • All editions

  • Optimized

    filtering and sorting.

  • Improvements

    in UX.

  • Fixed


5.0.9 (2022-Mar-3)

  • Added

    in list/not in list operators in Filter by custom fileds.

  • Improved

    Add computers wizard

  • Removed knowledgebase support since it doesn't work anymore.

  • Fixed

    incorrect event description rendering for some events.

  • Fixed

    several minor bugs.

5.0.8 (2021-Dec-29)

  • Added

    "Copy cell contents to clipboard" (in the log drop-down menu).

  • Improved

    filtering by description content.

  • Fixed

    incorrect event description rendering for some events.

5.0.7 (2021-Oct-20)

  • Added

    Color coding by event description.

  • New

    Event description could be highlighted depending on search, filter or color-coding conditions.

  • Improved

    compatibility with Windows 11.

  • New

    task template added.

  • Fixed

    several bugs.

5.0.6 (2021-Sep-10)

  • Fixed

    a bug linked with event rendering description from remote servers.

5.0.5 (2021-Aug-23)

  • New

    You can now filter in the most of popup lists, e.g. list of sources or list of logs.

  • New

    UTC timezone option added in the Timezone dialog.

  • Added

    several task templates.

  • Fixed

    a bug with regular expression filtering.

  • Fixed

    minor bugs.

5.0 (2021-Jul-16)

  • New

    entity - "Task". You can form a task as a set of different event logs, files (or XML query) with your own presets - filter, display options etc.

  • New

    Predefined task templates to perform standard administrative tasks.

  • New

    Temporary log storage is now always on the disk.

  • New

    Search and filter by custom columns.

  • New

    Custom columns are now based on XML values.

  • New

    Full UNICODE support.

  • New

    Application windows now can be scaled (manually or automatically depending on DPI).

  • New

    Database tables (logs) are in the tree.

  • Added

    Query Builder to the XML query filter.

  • Added

    Quick Filter by bookmarked/non-bookmarked events

  • Added

    fine-tune settings to get events from the database.

  • Improvements

    A lot of new minor options.

  • Improvement

    Logs in the tree are now displayed in standard hierarchy.

  • Improved

    performance and memory consumption.

  • Redesigned

    time correction option.

  • Improved

    diplaying on High DPI monitors.

  • Fixed


  • ! Important: Support of Pre-Vista OS is discontinued (evt files are supported anyway).

4.9.3 (2021-Feb-24)

  • Improved

    handling of inconsistent event details.

  • Fixed

    minor bugs.

4.9.2 (2020-May-2)

  • Added

    merged log view properties dialog - it lets you remove a log from a merger.

  • Added

    description param filter by regular expression.

  • Some

    minor improvements.

4.9 (2019-Nov-13)

  • Added

    Statistics panel option for log view.

  • Added

    support of new event type (level: verbose).

  • Added

    option to display time in UTC for new log windows.

  • Added

    options to display date and time in different formats.

  • Changed

    default storage to disk (you can switch it back to memory in Preferences).

  • Improved

    Eldbx utility.

  • Fixed

    several bugs.

4.8.4 (2019-Sep-3)

  • New

    batch backup utility ElbackX.

  • Fixed

    several minor bugs.

4.8.3 (2019-Aug-9)

  • Event

    Log Readers group now can access remote Security logs (no admin rights required).

  • Event

    logs are now sorted in the tree and some lists.

  • The

    program could fail to authenticate user names in legacy (domain\user) format. Fixed.

4.8.2 (2019-May-18)

  • Added

    a new filed (usertag) in DB export.

  • Fixed

    a vulnerability which may lead to XML injection attack.

  • Color

    coding by type bug fixed.

  • Fixed

    a minor bug with event descriptions.

4.8 (2019-Mar-18)

  • Integration

    with Elodea (COM server).

  • Clear

    log command now clears SQL table when required.

  • Improved

    Elback utility.

  • Improved

    Eldbx utility.

  • Fixed

    minor bugs in event filter.

4.7 (2018-Dec-18)

  • Export

    to database added.

  • Reading

    logs from a database added.

  • Utility

    for unattended event log export added.

  • Improved

    some informational dialogs.

  • Fixed

    minor bugs.

4.6 (2017-Oct-3)

  • Merge

    into a new view command added (available in computer tree popup menu).

  • Refresh

    all event views command added.

  • Quick

    filter by custom columns (works with Memory data storage only).

  • New

    analytical report on a custom column.

  • Fixed

    minor bugs and some typos.

4.5.4 (2016-Nov-16)

  • New

    smartcopy to clipboard option.

  • Showing

    number of selected events in status bar.

  • Some

    event descriptions displayed incorrectly in Windows 10/2016. Fixed.

  • Fixed

    minor bugs.

4.5.3 (2016-Feb-12)

  • Fixed

    bug preventing log loading if they have invalid dates in event description

  • Fixed

    minor bugs

4.5 (2015-Jul-23)

  • XPath

    queries (New API).

  • Show

    time in UTC.

  • Improved

    time correction options (1-minute resolution).

  • Improved

    color coding (added color code by type and source).

  • Improved

    credential management.

  • Minor

    fixes and improvements.

  • Some

    event descriptions displayed incorrectly (NewAPI). Fixed.

  • Fixed

    memory leak in event alerter.

4.4 (2015-Jan-13)

  • Export

    custom columns.

  • Print

    custom columns (Up to 2 custom columns, horizontal layout).

  • Custom

    columns sorting (for in-memory storage only).

  • Smart

    event(s) copy (Excel compatible).

  • Rename

    computer in the tree.

  • Option

    to store event alerter.

  • Improved

    scheduled export.

  • You

    can pre-filter events in log loading options by source.

  • Multiple

    and exceptional filters in log loading options (using comma and exclamation mark).

  • No

    select API dialog by default - it will use New API when possible.

  • Fixed

    bug with layout of Filter/Search dialog.

  • Fixed

    serious memory leak bug (New API).

  • Minor

    bug fixes and improvements.

4.3.7 (2014-Oct-06)

  • Minor

    fixes and improvements.

4.3 (2014-Aug-13)

  • Added

    Custom columns - you can extract information from description and display it in event list.

  • Added

    alerts by event type.

  • NewAPI

    Event description could be missing for some events. Fixed.

  • NewAPI

    Event category could be miscalculated for some events. Fixed.

  • Filter

    window improvements.

  • Added

    new analytical reports.

  • Added

    import tree options (when you import from a text file).

  • Option

    to show Record number.

  • Tooltips

    on tabs to display helpful information.

  • Minor

    fixes and improvements.

4.2 (2013-Oct-9)

  • Filtering

    by description params (for security logs).

  • Alerter

    may compare events by source (not only by source+event id).

  • Lots

    of UI bugs fixed.

4.1 (2013-Apr-29)

  • Direct

    access to evtx files. You can now open evtx files even from Windows XP.

  • Displaying

    number of events in the tree (for New API only).

  • Drag

    and drop in the tree.

  • Event

    Alerter handles Event Description. (Use [Description] field).

  • Search

    for event in Google added.

  • Open

    All Logs In Merger View now works with subfolders.

  • Multiple

    log file open.

  • Event

    descriptions from Windows 2008+ servers were inaccessible sometimes - fixed.

  • Fixed

    minor bugs.

4.0 (2012-May-15)

  • Event


  • Option

    to display only new events after refresh.

  • Option

    to autofit columns after load.

  • Friendly

    view XML view of event (for new event api only).

  • Pivot

    charts in analytical reports.

  • Several

    UI improvement options.

  • Updated

    visual styles.

  • Improved

    export options.

  • Fixed

    some bugs.

3.4 beta 2 (2011-Nov-24)

  • Load

    filter popup on the main toolbar added.

  • Improved

    credentials manager behavior.

3.4 beta (2011-Nov-16)

  • Support

    of new event API to access more event logs on Vista, 7, 2008.

  • Credentials

    manager to store credentials and use them on log opens.

  • Advanced

    filtering on linked events.

  • Analytical

    reports - different summary tables.

  • XML

    view of event (for new event api only).

  • Command

    to disable filter temporarily.

  • Command

    to disable log loading options temporarily.

  • Combined

    quickfilter: Source+EventID.

  • Fixed

    minor bugs.

3.3 (2010-Jul-06)

  • Task


  • Taskbar

    tabs in Windows 7/2008 R2

  • Column


  • Improved

    Data Execution Protection (DEP) compatibility

  • Improved

    export to XLSX

  • Memory

    consumption optimized

  • Fixed

    problem with incorrect margins on printed documents

  • Memory

    leaks fixed

  • Fixed

    minor bugs

3.2 (2009-Dec-23)

  • Export

    to Excel 2007

  • Option

    to store temporary data on disk instead of memory.

  • Significantly

    decreased memory consumption.

  • User

    interface improvements.

  • Default

    log files location is stored in the workspace.

  • Fixed

    minor bugs.

3.1 (2009-Jul-10)

  • Added

    event log and event log file merging.

  • Time

    correction for any log views.

  • Added

    default prefilter by Event ID (see Log Window Defaults).

  • Added

    default description server option.

  • Added

    default color coding (see Log Window Defaults->Appearance).

  • Improved

    description and category reading.

  • Date-time

    in Event Properties displayed incorrectly - fixed.

  • Date-time

    exported incorrectly during raw export - fixed.

  • Fixed

    bug with long data truncation.

  • Some

    long regular expressions in filter work incorrectly - fixed.

  • Fixed

    Windows 2000 compatibility issue.

  • Fixed

    minor bugs.

3.0 (2008-May-13)

  • Totaly

    rewritten event log caching - it's database compatible now.

  • Improved

    compatibility with Windows Vista x64.

  • You

    can specify a server where Event Log Explorer will look for descriptions.

  • Visual

    styles support (MS Office-like, Whidbey).

  • Filtering

    is up to 10 times faster than in version 2.x.

  • User

    interface improvements.

  • Fixed

    minor bugs.

2.2.5 (2007-Nov-13)

  • Fixed

    a bug which could extremely slow down event log loading process.

2.2 (2007-Aug-09)

  • ! Free license doesn't expire anymore.

  • Save

    displayed or selected events to EVT file added.

  • Bookmarking

    by criteria added.

  • Export

    and print binary data.

  • Support

    of 3GB address space (/3GB switch in boot.ini).

  • Event

    description dialog added.

  • Added

    languages (Russian, Polish).

  • Localizing

    module added.

  • Improved

    filter/search by user and computer.

  • Memory

    consumption optimized.

  • Some

    internal improvements.

  • Fixed

    compatibility issue with data execution protection on Vista.

  • Fixed

    minor bugs.

2.1 (2007-Mar-01)

  • Direct

    access to .evt files added.

  • Batch

    backup utility and backup integration option added.

  • Added

    Event ID color coding options.

  • Imporved

    Vista compatibility.

  • Log

    files can be added to the tree.

  • Fixed

    minor bugs.

2.0 (2006-Nov-25)

  • Documentation


  • EULA


  • Fixed

    minor bugs.

2.0 beta (2006-Nov-08)

  • 2

    user interface models added (MDI and TDI).

  • Event

    log backup to any computer.

  • You

    can display event description in the event list.

  • You

    can filter several event logs at once.

  • New

    memory manager - improved performance.

  • Connect

    with different credential can now disconnect previous sessions.

  • Time

    correction didn't work correctly on some systems - fixed.

  • Fixed

    minor bugs.

1.4 beta 2 (2006-08-30)

  • Added

    regular expressions search/filter by description.

  • Highly

    improved performance of large logs loading.

  • Filter

    by source might work incorrectly for log files. Fixed.

1.4 beta (2006-08-16)

  • Document-oriented

    concept. Workspace files to store program state.

  • Computers

    can grouped in the tree.

  • Property

    pages for computers and groups.

  • Wizard

    to search and bulk add computers to the tree.

  • Select

    font option added.

  • Time

    correction property added.

  • New

    filter/search criteria to perform more advanced filtering.

  • Support

    of Windows Vista logs added.

  • Highly

    improved performance of date/time sort.

  • Computers

    tree is now multi-selectable.

  • Different

    user interface improvements.

  • Popup

    menu appears again in the description box.

  • Fixed

    minor bugs.

1.3 beta 6 (2006-05-29)

  • Improved

    performance of large logs loading.

  • Fixed

    minor bugs.

1.3 beta 5 (2006-05-08)

  • Some

    user interface improvements.

  • Fixed

    a bug with an exception in mshtml.dll.

  • Fixed

    minor bugs.

1.3 beta 4 (2006-04-13)

  • Export

    to Excel format

  • Added

    option to open new window maximized.

  • Auto

    backup of event log.

  • New

    log loading options - prefiltering by event type.

  • Fixed

    a bug with reading Windows NT 4.0. event logs.

  • Fixed

    minor bugs.

1.3 beta 3 (2006-03-15)

  • You

    can view event data in binary format.

  • Export/Import

    Computers Tree (into/from XML file).

  • Print

    events with descriptions added.

  • Print

    selected events added.

  • You

    can sort computers in the Computers Tree.

  • New

    Quick Filter options: select events older or younger then specified.

  • Multiply

    events selection (you can e.g. copy them into clipboard at once).

  • Save

    all logs from one computer by one command.

  • Clear

    all logs from one computer by one command.

  • Added

    events bookmarks.

  • Improved

    preferences dialog.

  • Improved

    partial load logics.

  • Fixed

    minor bugs.

1.3 beta 2 (2006-02-22)

  • Options

    to load logs partially (only fresh events).

  • New

    log window defaults (sort order, dimensions).

  • You

    can associate Event Log Explorer with EVT files.

  • Option

    to poll for program updates automatically.

  • Added

    exception catching.

  • Event

    logs are loaded in background - you don't have to wait until a log will be loaded.

  • URLs

    in event descriptions are now clickable.

  • Some

    descriptions were displayed incompletely - fixed.

  • Fixed

    a bug with date/time filtering.

  • Fixed

    minor bugs.

1.3 beta (2006-01-03)

  • Export

    event description along with the event data.

  • Option

    to lookup event information in public event knowledge bases.

  • Added

    inverted quick filter (NOT EQUAL).

  • Option

    to open items by a single-click, select by point.

  • Drag

    and drop of EVT file on Event Log Explorer main window.

  • You

    can copy current event to a clipboard.

  • Added

    a command to Computers Tree popup menu that closes all related event logs.

  • Computers

    tree now can save its state.

  • Some

    user interface improvements.

  • Date

    and time in report were displayed as UTC date/time - time zone corrected.

  • Sort

    order problem is fixed in report.

  • Fixed

    a bug with incorrect date and time export.

  • Export

    text file could contain extra paragraph breaks - fixed.

  • After

    filter clearing, the last selected event went away - fixed.

1.2 (2005-06-11)

  • Logon

    As dialog appears if the access denied failure occurs when connecting remote computers.

  • Fixed

    minor bugs.

1.2 beta 2 (2005-05-28)

  • Added

    command line options.

  • Computer

    tree now works asynchronously.

  • Minimal

    refresh interval changed to 1 second.

  • Fixed

    a bug with event id search/filter criteria.

  • Fixed

    a bug with incorrect description displaying from remote computers when administrative shares were disabled.

  • Saving

    the remote event logs now works correctly.

  • Fixed

    minor bugs.

1.2 beta 1 (2005-05-17)

  • Added

    auto-refresh commands.

  • Added

    new "!" operator for event ID filter/search criteria.

  • Added

    event list navigator.

  • Added

    new event log window preferences.

  • Totally

    changed filter behavior - no cascaded filters anymore (except quick filters).

  • Refresh

    command does remember filter condition.

  • Fixed

    minor bugs.

1.1 beta 2 (2005-04-19)

  • New

    report preferences added

  • Improved

    autosave options (log window keeps position, sorting modes, etc).

  • Improved

    user interface.

  • Fixed

    minor bugs.

1.1 beta (2005-03-26)

  • Event

    ID exception criteria added.

  • Set

    of confirmations options added.

  • Set

    of autosave options added (it is possible to keep window size, position and opened logs).

  • Event

    Log Window options added.

  • Highly

    improved performance on getting event descriptions.

  • Fixed

    a problem with getting event descriptions from remote computers.

  • Fixed

    minor bugs.

1.0 beta (2005-03-10)

  • first

    beta version.

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